Not a terrible start as you can craft Molten Armor for later and a 2x Attack Sword for the Asura to get by. Starting out we've got a Chaos Asura and a Light Vivifier. I'm recording this as I play through a New Game so I can provide a more realistic build list. These will all be replaced as soon as unlocking Bastion or as late as Barrens. I'm going to list decent choices that play well with Firestorm (or at least can kill story bosses) early game. You will just need to pick up different physical creatures for early game until you get to Diabolical Horde creatures. These are not essential to the build and do not negate the final result. I will work on redoing it when I have the time. Note: The game has reorganized creature placement and appearances since this was written. They will only really be used for cleanup or when debuffed with Silence. The other perks are all great but, I'd highly recommend picking up Magma Diver, Massacre, Reckless Abandon, and Indomitable (pick this as early as you feel is necessary). It directly affects the damage of your Firestorm based on your Attack and applies directly to other utilities we will be stacking to go along with it. This should be your second grab for perks. The accompanying buff to the cornerstone perk: It is a Chaos (Red) Spell that is Cast but not a Spell Gem.The damage for both the Spell and the Debuff are based on the caster's Intelligence.It applies a Debuff called Burning to All enemies.It Casts at the beginning of combat before any action is taken.The first creature in your team Casts the spell.Important things to note about this perk: My final build export is over here if you want to TL DR - Build Dump Eventually, survivability options will be added to allow for delving into the harder dungeon settings and fights. The theory behind this build is making use of Firestorm, other spells, and triggered effects that happen outside of the normal combat order. It has quite a few utility perks to increase the effectiveness of the Firestorm spell that Kindling provides as well as boosts to the combat ability of your creatures. For this build, we'll be using Hell Knight because of its Kindling perk.